Monday, January 24, 2011

Yellowing (24/365)


Unknown said...

This is fantastic! So well done and I love how you really got the entire tone to mirror the color of the desks. I don't know if you're using a filter on your lens or if this is just a trick that you learned with exposure and lighting, but I love it. Not to mention, beyond just the color, the angles and the way this fills the entire frame is really good. I love it when you take photos that are either outside or have a bigger scope and more depth of field. Nice job!

concretegodmother said...

I love this one. My eye is drawn to the peeling paint spot just above center; it is lit and juxtaposes the shadow of the desk leg nicely. Very sharply lit and yet it's warmed by the yellow.

Audrey Mango said...

Thanks! That one little piece is sticking out rather precipitously, isn't it?