Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Whining, and Playing Catch-up, and Starting the New Year

On September 18th, my camera came to an ignominious end. I was attempting to take a picture of myself when my Gorilla Pod came crashing forward onto my hardwood floor. My camera's lens was jammed, or broken; in any case, immobile, and the camera refused to turn on or off. It only told me, "Err. Spirozz." I had changed the menu language to Italian for kicks, which meant that, in its time of need, I was unable to determine the precise cause of my camera's angst. I immediately logged into Blogger and typed a furious, tearful, impassioned good bye to the blog, bemoaning my general failure as a blogger and spewing passive-aggression. Then I took it down, because passive-aggression is not a good way to get people to read your blog.

It's hard to believe it's been four years since, brand-new camera in hand, I started my first Photo 365 project. My blog and I have had some ups and downs since then: I've struggled to make time for it, I've wondered where to take it next, I've felt uninspired and unconnected. But I've also posted shots and photo essays I was proud of, started conversations with family and friends, and made connections with fellow bloggers living in my hometown and across the world. I even unknowingly took a picture of one blogging friend's former street!

I still want to make a commitment to my blog. I have a new camera and have been enjoying to get to know it - its strengths and its quirks. I think that posting a photo every day is unrealistic and that I often end up posting blurry, exhausted, thoughtless posts. I think that posting "when I feel like it" is unrealistic, too, as I end up with long gaps between my posts, even if the individual posts are more thoughtful and better put together.  I've decided that in the coming year I'm going to post twice a week, on Sunday and Wednesday, and try to incorporate more writing and poetry into my posts. In the mean time, I'll work on posting my backlog of photos from my most recent post in August to the unfortunate day that my last camera bit the dust. I'm looking forward to this new year's photos and adventures, and I hope you'll be around for the journey!

Happy days, happy trails, happy new year!

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