Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I hope you felt loved yesterday. My mom and dad were my valentines, as most years.  My mom sent me peanut butter and chocolate hearts and knitted a little flower to pin on to my cloche hat (which she also knitted). My parents also sent me a really sweet, kind, colorful card, and today my dad sent me a drawing he found that he said reminds him of me. (He was spot on!)

Today I watched the series 2 finale of Downton Abbey - there's only the Christmas special to go. I won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it, but let's say there was plenty, and I mean plenty, of romance, dashed hopes, honor, and Lady Sybil passionately arguing and then lovingly making up with her father. How Valentine's-y!

This Valentine's Day, I'm definitely thinking about and grateful for my family. I can be headstrong in a very Lady Sybil way. My parents and I have certainly disagreed from time to time - I'm most stubborn when I'm disagreeing with them, it seems - but when it all shakes out, I know they're always in my corner.

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