Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Empty Calories (22/366)

I worked at home today.  The good news is that I accomplished a significant amount of work on my bibliography.  The bad news is that I also wasted a signifcant amount of my calorie allotment on a packet of Australian liquorice and a can of root beer.


Unknown said...

haha, well I won't tell about the soda...but I love the angle of the shot!!!

bsouth said...

What's the difference between australian and any other liquorice? Root beer and liquorice is a scary combination! I really wanted to say that I think your pictures are really good - I love the subjects and the ways that you look at things.


Audrey Mango said...

Thanks, guys! :)

Bsouth, the main difference is supposed to be that this particular liquorice is the "world's best;" I'm not completely sold, though. I still think that honor belongs to Dutch liquorice, but this kind was very nice, soft, and flavorful. Root beer and liquourice would normally be quite an intense, spicy, and, well, rooty combination ... but this was not black but mango flavored. Yum :)